How to partipate in the GeTI project - If you're interested, there's a place here for you!

By: Tom Cloyd - 3 min. read (Published: 2020; reviewed: 2024-03-31:1627 Pacific Time (USA))

Each of us has value to share with others. If you want to contribute to our effort here, there are multiple ways to do that. Here are some suggestions for how you can join the GeTI project.


Joy can be real only if people look on their life as a service, and have a definite object in life outside themselves and their personal happiness. ~ Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Page contents…

Contribute content to the website ^

Articles, reviews, personal narratives. If you like to write, and your focus is on psychological trauma and dissociative disorders, or on promoting mental health self-management, consider contributing to this site. We can use articles, essays, reviews, personal narratives, and opinion pieces. If you have a different sort of document you’d like to contribute please contact us so that we discuss this possibility.

We will be happy to assist you with all stages of your writing effort, if you like, and have the experience and skills to do this quickly and effectively.

Creative contributions - writing, visual art, etc. Contribute poetry, expressive writing, essays and personal narratives, art, photography. We have places for all of these.

Suggest or request specific content additions. This is an easy way to help out. Your good idea can be developed by our writers into content that can benefit many other people

Credit will always be given to those who make such contributions (unless they request that it not be).

Participate in one of our website-focused projects ^

Our projects are focused, often long-term efforts to create and maintain a resource for the general community of people interested in trauma and dissociation disorders and their resolution. We are presently working on these projects:

Article development on critical topics

How can you help? Offer us your general comments, concerns, or needs; contribute resource articles of any kind which you think might be useful; offer to review and/or edit draft of articles prior to their publication. contact us

Cloyd, T. (in process). Rape prevention: What do we actually know? (article for this website)

Cloyd, T. (in process). Mental illness in the USA and the world: What do we know and how well do we know it? (article for this website - to be initiated ASAP - likely by 2024-04-14)

Goal: to provide useful definitions for key terms and concepts used on the website, generally by means of direct quotes from authoritative sources. This sort of definitional resource, on a website of this sort, is unusual. It is also an excellent teaching and learning tool.

A subgoal of this project involves creation of programming that will create backlinks from documents to the Glossary, so that merely moving over a linked term on a webpage here will cause a popup containing a brief definition, as well as linking the term back to its definition in the Glossary.

Participate in this effort by calling to our attention terms which are NOT in the Glossary but ought to be (please contact us).

Status - This project is well developed, and will continue indefinitely. New participants are always welcome!

Mental health graphs and charts ^

Goal: To accumulate a collection of graphs of various sorts illustrating key facts and relationships relevant to our core topic. These graphs may or may not appear in our various documents, and will available for use by others, with appropriate licensing.

Participate by suggesting graphs whose production might offer particular value to site visitors. If you have an idea for such a graph, please contact us. Graphs will be produced using specialized software, but anyone can assist in this effort by merely suggesting a graph idea.

Status – 2023-04-04: Minimally developed.

Trauma and Dissociation Education and Advocacy is its name, and it has its own descriptive website page here


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